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New Articles

Thanks for reading, everyone!

Congragulations to Julia Cipriano for winning the article competition! Many great articles were entered, but we really liked Julia's. Julia will get a signed newspaper from the whole crew! Her article will be in this month's newspaper. Meanwhile, we are writing plenty new articles for you to enjoy, and starting new contests!! 






We’ve fixed the bugs and added new information!Our new website is available for everyone to visit!It even has new and improved technology, and lets everyone CHAT in the chat room!All rude and inappropriate language will be deleted. Several monitors will be viewing that chat log. Our chat log is safe and allows you to chat with other people who are reading.If you say rude things or bully, the whole conversation will be deleted.The monitors will report bullying to someone in the crew who has access to a computer and can take action. ALL moderators will have an identification number. They will be anonymous. Any monitors who report who they are will be suspended from the job.As for everyone who is respectful, they will not be banned.If you suspect anyone is bullying YOU, call a moderator by putting in one of these special pins for a certain person:
#67920 = ALL OF THEM!!!
#anniebot = call this moderator if you want something to stop ( Emma)#
saucepatrol = call this moderator if you want the right way ( Casey)
#lightningbot = call this moderator if you want to get things done or file a report. (Madison)
#lieutenant = call this moderator for justice and equality or a case against someone ( Megan)
#silverchinchilla = call this moderator if you want to fight for what’s right ( Anthony P)
#pokadots = call this moderator if you want a true call of service. ( Stephan M)


Congrats julia!

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